MP99 Wit Wickiking Oversized Exosuit - Only Available on AFD

With all the oversized Transformers coming out, we're happy to see this massive 
**MP99 Wit Wickiking, which is an oversized exosuit at a whopping 20 inches tall!  For comparison, check out Hot Rod only at 9 inches tall.
In vehicle mode, this exosuit transforms into a monster moonbuggy, three times the size of Hot Rod.
This very limited rare set comes with Spike and Daniel alternate heads, a slingshot with energon cubes, and a Hot fishing Rod.    

We heard that this one of a kind Transformer is bundled with a Masterpiece Unicron which is the size of the Universal Studios globe when transformed into a planet.

** If you still didn't get it yet, this is an April Fools Day post.
Happy April Fools Day! 

MP99 Wit Wickiking Oversized Exosuit - Only Available on AFD MP99 Wit Wickiking Oversized Exosuit - Only Available on AFD Reviewed by JayDJ on 11:49:00 PM Rating: 5

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